Comedy drama series Aliens commissioned for E4 by clerkenwellfilms

Clerkenwell Films are producing ‘Aliens’, a new comedy drama sci-fi series for E4. Writer Fintan Ryan has created a world where the aliens landed 40 years ago. But though they walk like us, talk like us and look like us, they’re not allowed to live with us.

Forced to live behind a huge wall in a in a segregated ghetto called Troy, a criminal sub-culture thrives, based on the illegal sale of alien hair, a drug when smoked by humans. When mild-mannered Lewis, a border guard at the wall’s check-point, discovers that he is half-alien, his secret threatens to turn his world upside down.

Scrotal Recall full series commission from Channel 4 by clerkenwellfilms

Channel 4 has commissioned comedy Scrotal Recall to series after a successful pilot.  Created and written by Tom Edge, the show follows the disastrous exploits of Dylan Witter, who must contact everyone he's ever slept with to tell them he has chlamydia.  Each episode sees Dylan finding a different girl from his STI contact list, as he remembers a sexual encounter he'd previously tried his hardest to forget... The show will shoot over summer.